How to minimize Wi-Fi hiccups

Today, you simply can’t survive without a Wi-Fi connection. Businesses need fast, secure, and reliable internet to get work done and satisfy customers. But what about when you experience Wi-Fi issues? These fixes ought to do the trick! Range constraints Wi-Fi works via radio waves that are broadcast from a central hub, usually a piece […]

Why is HTTPS important?

Many internet users still do not understand what the padlock icon in their web browser’s address bar is for. It represents HTTPS, a security feature that authenticates websites and protects the information users submit to them. This is an important feature that lets users know whether the site they are visiting is secure or not.

Lessons from a disaster recovery plan audit

Why do some companies fail their disaster recovery plan (DPR) audit? Perhaps because they did not get the right information for it. They say experience is the best teacher; thus, nothing beats what you can learn from real-world case studies. See what you can learn from the following case.

How to transfer files from Android via USB cable

You can use Wi-Fi to transfer files between your Android phone and your PC or Mac, but if an internet connection is unavailable or unstable, there’s another option: use your trusted USB cable. Read on to find out how your USB cable can help you move files between devices without a hitch.

Will virtual containers change IT?

As technical as virtualization and virtual containers are, there’s no reason your company shouldn’t benefit from them. IT specialists all over the country are setting up and supporting these technologies for small businesses to increase efficiency and cut down on technology costs.

Premise-based or cloud-hosted VoIP?

Business owners are turning to the cloud because of its numerous advantages. However, others prefer premise-based infrastructures. When it comes to VoIP phone systems, which is better for your business? Installation and maintenance On-premises VoIP phone systems are installed in your office and typically managed and maintained by your own personnel.

Groups, Yammer, and Teams: What are they?

While most Office 365 apps serve a unique purpose, tools like Outlook Groups, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams can all be used for office communication and collaboration. However, there are small differences in the way they can be used. Let us break it down for you.

Recover your privacy in Windows 10

Advertisers are able to target their consumers more effectively thanks to social media. But did you know that your operating system might also be giving away information about your online searches to advertising agencies? Learn more about Windows 10’s not-so-private settings and how these can be fixed.

Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage.

Monitor your business with Google Alerts

You can keep tabs on your business online and in real time using Google Alerts, a free and easy- to-use content change detection and notification service. You can even use this tool to monitor your competitors. Read on to learn how it can help you. What is Google Alerts? Google Alerts allows you to monitor […]

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